Out with a bang.

I’ve had this information for a few days now, but haven’t really known what to write.

The Post-mortem shows that dad died from a burst left ventricle. Basically, one of the valves in his heart failed: He was probably dead by the time he hit the floor.  He suffered a head wound from the fall, which would “probably” have been survivable, but we will never know.  The coroner has referred the case to an inquest, because although unexpected, it was caused by a long term condition.  This will take some time, but won’t change anything.

It is of some comfort to know that he would not have suffered.  It was a big worry for us all that he may have lay there for some time, concious but unable to move, waiting to be discovered.  It does appear that this didn’t happen, and that it was quick, and he wouldn’t have felt a thing.

As he said himself, at the time about his flying career, “I believe it is better ‘to go with a bang rather than a whimper’”.  He certainly managed that.

Rest in Peace, dad.  We love you, and miss you.

Thank You

On behalf of all the family, I would like to thank everybody whom has contacted us, sent cards, or left messages about John.  It is fantastic to see how many people appreciated and admired him, both from knowing him in person and through his achievements and writings, from here in England and around the world.

We intend to maintain this website indefinitely, and to expand it – I had already been discussing with Dad about creating an online archive for all his material, and it would seem to be a fitting tribute to him to complete this.  We have not just his published articles, but many photographs, competition logs back almost to the start, and so much more.  He was always so organised: much is nicely arranged in filing cabinets, so it ought to be a task that can happen, even if it is going to be mammoth!  It will not happen immediately of course, there is going to be far too much else to do in the short term, but rest assured that his legacy will not disappear!